This year in Little League, Braden was on the Giants. He joined a team where most of the kids had been together for about 3 years. They were really good. They were undefeated this year, except for one game that was tied. And they won the championship! Braden is not much of a player but it was fun to be on a winning team and he had a few good moments.
Every once in awhile, Braden played catcher. This usually meant, he would squat in this position and stay as still as a statue while the balls bounced off him and all around.
Here is one of his great moments, where he made it all the way home.
He had some trouble connecting with the ball most days. But half of the season they had machine pitch, and he started to get pretty good with that, since the balls were pitched pretty consistently. Toward the end of the year, he got better at hitting, but still mostly struck out. At least he finally started striking out while swinging. Way better than striking out while you just stand there doing nothing. :o)
They won the final game in the tournament 7 to 0! It really was amazing and fun to be on such a good team. Every one should have the chance to be a winner once in their life!
The team was so excited!!
Braden got his trophy early because the team party was on Sunday, so he had to miss it. Luckily, he made it to R.J.'s party right after this game, so he wasn't too bummed about missing his.
It was a fun season, and I'm glad we finished on a high note, since there is a very good chance Braden will not want to play again ever!
Blackberry Winter Book Trailer
11 years ago
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