This year is a big one for R.J., starting middle school. It's weird for me, and yes, I was only 12 when he was born. The night before school started, we went to registration, got his schedule and wrote a dozen checks for a gillion dollars for all the things he needed to make his year successful. He is so excited about middle school, the independence, having a phone, riding the bus, running cross country, being in the band, advanced math, GATE, and the reptile club. He wants to do it all. Hopefully he doesn't burn out any time soon.
On the first day of school, Conner really wanted to be a part of it all. He insisted he was going to school too and put on a backpack and convinced Ryan to make him a lunch like everyone else's. Once we got to the school, he panicked and kept saying, "Don't leave me here!"
Conner would not let R.J. take a picture by himself.
Braden is a 4th grader this year, but because of weirdness in our school district, this will be his last year at our elementary school. He will never get to be the big man on campus, because next year our local M.S. is opening with 5th through 7th for the 1st year it's opened.
Sienna is a 3rd grader now. She is already doing great, following all the rules, and doing all her homework by herself without being asked.
And Conner is home with me. But he wanted his picture taken too. :o)
R.J. was really excited about getting to ride the bus so I've decided to go with it. Conner really wants to ride the bus too. R.J. is his buddy and he's always so sad to see him go.
Sienna ready to work hard on her 1st day.
Braden wandering around with his 100-lb bag of school supplies, looking for his desk.
It's going to be a great year!! (crossing fingers)
Blackberry Winter Book Trailer
11 years ago
Wow! 5th through 7th. And I thought starting middle school in 6th grade was too early! He'll do great though!
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